How To Look Great on Your Wedding Day
By Melanie Mendelson
Looking great on your wedding day means being radiant,
relaxed, and ready to start a brand new existence with the person whom you've
chosen to spend your life with. Your hair, nails, makeup, dress - and how you
look in that dress - are all part of becoming the bride you want to be on that
special day. Since pictures taken on that day remain part of your life forever,
it's important to look and feel your best.
Your dress is one of the most important items in your
wedding plans, so make sure you take enough time to choose one that suits you -
not your best friend, not your
bridesmaids, and not your mother. For the day of your
wedding, you'll want a dress in which you can stand, walk and dance in without
worrying about "wardrobe malfunctions" or causing you discomfort.
Allow necessary time if you decide on having the dress made, but even if bought
"off the rack," you'll need to factor in time for tailoring and any
You don't want to overpower your dress and headpiece with a flamboyant hair
style or color that overwhelms everything else. Keep it simple and classic, and
remember to practice the look you want at home or with your stylist before the
wedding day.
Have your nails professionally manicured the day before
the wedding. This is one thing you don't want to do far in
advance. Reduce the chances of a broken nail, chipped
polish, or if using applied nails, one coming off, by
having your manicure as late as possible. If you are not
inclined toward colored polishes or long fingernails, make sure they are neatly
trimmed, filed, polished, and buffed. Your hands will be a focus of
attention when showing off that new wedding ring and for photos!
Makeup is the last thing you'll need to worry over, and
that comes on the big day, itself. Don't try to transform
yourself into a different person with dramatic eye makeup or garish lipstick.
Make the real you look better!
Use a slightly heavier hand than with your usual daytime
makeup so your photos won't have you appearing washed-out looking, but don't
overdo it. And if your wedding is at night, with more subtle lighting, apply
makeup as though you were going to a club or restaurant at night - a little
heavier than daytime, but not much! Avoid deep red lipstick as well as too-pale
pink. Frosted eye shadows or lipsticks are definite no-nos.
Buy fresh mascara to avoid clumping. Also, if you have
sensitive skin, this is NOT the time to try a new brand.
The last thing you want to do is head for the altar with
blotches or zits thanks to an allergic reaction.
The night before your wedding is not the time for partying so get eight hours of
restful sleep. If you're having a rehearsal dinner, or a Bachelorette bash, make
sure that it ends early. Drink moderately or, better yet, not at all.
Bloodshot eyes and a banging hangover will not make for a fun wedding.
Don't gorge yourself the night before because we all know that there are strange
forces at work which will try to make your wedding gown just a wee bit snug in
the morning. To overcome excitement and nerves, try taking a long walk -
it can help with pre-nuptial jitters. A relaxing bath with soothing background
music, a cup of herbal tea, and you should be ready to doze off with images of a
happy future marriage in your dreams.
With these tips, you're sure to have the perfect wedding
day. May this day be the beginning of a lifetime of joy
and happiness!
Melanie Mendelson will help you lose weight for your
wedding day. Visit her wedding weight loss website
Wedding Weight Loss
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