Cotton Balls Cotton Balls for dinner anyone? Here is a free bridal shower game that takes just a bit of planning on your part. It is easy to do and lots of fun, though! For this game you will need a bag of cotton balls, spoons, bowls, and a couple of blindfolds. Spread the cotton balls on the floor and then blindfold two party guests. Give them a spoon and a bowl and have them scoop up as many cotton balls as they can and place them in their bowl. Set the timer for one minute, the guest with the most cotton balls in their bowl after 1 minute wins the game. The winner of the game will receive a special bridal shower gift and the other guests will receive fun party favors as their gifts!
The Bell Game At your Bridal Shower Party there are lots of different free games to choose from. One game to think about when you are planning a party is the bell game. Try playing the bell game at your next bridal shower. The hostess will need to make a necklace for each guest by tying a ribbon to a small bell. Present the guests with the necklace as they arrive to the party. Instruct the guests that they are not allowed to say the bride's name or the grooms name. If another guest hears someone use one of the forbidden names they get to take the necklace from the "offender". Keep track and make sure that no one is cheating and that everyone is having a good time trying to trick other members into saying the names. At the end of the shower, the guest with the most necklaces wins the game. A Bridal Shower themed gift will make a nice prize for the winner to take home. They will remember this party for a long time and treasure their keepsake as well!
Creating the Veil Here comes the Veil! Free Bridal shower games have to be fun and enjoyable to both the guests and to the bride. Here is a great bridal shower game to add to your shower to make it that much more fun. Have your guests create a veil for the bride to model. Make sure you have enough craft material so that each guest can create a veil. Try to find things like flowers, ribbon, and bows for them to use. When everyone is done with their creation give them to the bride to model. Then the guests will vote on which ones they like the best. The veil with the most votes for each category wins the bridal shower prizes. Some good categories might be most creative, prettiest, or wildest. Although this game is so simple, it is one that your guests will love to play! Reward their efforts with some fun bridal shower party favors!
Where's My Underwear Do you sleep like a creep? Who knows your underwear? If you are having a bridal shower for a group of close friends, this can be the ideal free bridal shower game to play. Where's My Underwear can get really funny. Have each guest bring their favorite sleepwear in a brown paper bag. Then at some point during the party have the bride open the bags and try to guess who the sleepwear belongs to. It will be funny to see who sleeps in ratty t-shirts, slinky gowns, or cute pajamas. Make sure that everyone is willing to play this game and you can get as raunchy or stay as clean as you want to! You and your guests will have a lot of fun with this bridal shower game especially if everyone participates! Having the house nicely decorated with bridal shower decorations will bring home the festive flavor of things and giving out party favors will make everyone happy!
Bridal Dress Toilet Paper Designer to the Stars! How creative can you be? One thing that everyone will remember from the wedding is the bridal dress. Your guests will love the opportunity to create a one-of-a-kind bridal dress. You will need several rolls of white tissue paper and tape. Have your guests divide up into groups, each group will need to designate a model. The guests are then challenged to create a wedding dress out of the tissue paper during a certain amount of time. Make sure they have enough material to finish the project. Once the time is up, the teams will have their model show the bride their creation. The team who created the bride's favorite dress is the winner. Bridal Shower party favors will make great gifts for the winning team. Maybe some keepsake picture frames or some other type of party favors for the other guests to help them remember the day and the party. Having the house festively decorated for this occasion will definitely add to the spirit of things! Free Bridal Shower Games with printable games that can be instantly printed right from your printer. Are you having a buffet? Free
printable food label cards add a lovely touch to any display of
delicious chow at an engagement party or bridal shower.
Guess the Scent of the Candle is a bridal shower game that every woman will love. Get about 5 to 6 candles and make sure the wrappers or tags are not on them. Number them one through however many you have. Give everyone a piece of paper along with a pen. Let each guest sniff each candle to try and guess it. Have them write it down. The person to guess the most right wins.
Here is a wedding custom about kissing that comes from the Swedish folk so everyone gets a shot at kissing the bride and groom. When the bride or groom happen to leave the room during the reception, eager guests line up for a kiss. Sounds like a pretty loving party! |
Wedding Toasts

Wedding Toasts Best Man, Bride, Groom...

Bridal Shower Invitations
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