Touchy-Feely Touch and feel see what's real! For those hosting a bridal shower, the right bridal shower games really will help to set the tone for the event. Why not liven things up with a bridal shower game that everyone will laugh and love? Here's one that's perfect for it. Want to get touchy-feely? Gather up about 10 common items from around the house or office such as a remote control, tooth brush, cell phone, or other common items. Place each item in a cloth bag (like a pillow case) and pass it around for the guests to feel. Each guest should get to hold the bag for 20-30 seconds, then they will pass it to the next guest. They will then write down the name of the item they think was in the bag. The guest with the most correct guesses wins the game and the bridal shower prize. For the other guests party favors will make great take home memories of this fun event!
Smell the Herbs What's your scent? Oregano? Looking for a unique and interesting bridal shower game to play? The host can easily put together this game and really have a lot of fun with it. Play this game at your next bridal shower. Smell the Herbs really puts your guest's nose to the test. Have a selection of about 10 different herbs and spices and place them in individual Styrofoam cups. Cover each cup with a piece of foil and make a small hole in the center, number each cup. Pass around the cups and make sure everyone gets a chance to smell the herbs. The guests will try to guess what is in each cup and write down their guesses on a piece of paper next to the number that corresponds with the number on the cup. The person with the most correct guesses wins the game. The winner will receive a special bridal shower prize. Have a camera near by to capture these special moments! Decorating the house with lots of bridal shower decorations will bring the party spirit to all who attend!
What Year? Are you psychic? It will help with this fun game! Here's a great game for a bridal shower. It does what is perfect on this day, that is, to put your bride on the spot! Here's how to play this bridal shower game. See if your guests can guess what year certain events happened in the bride's life such as her first kiss, her first date, or the year she graduated high school. You will present the events in the form of a question, "What year did the bride-to-be experience her first kiss?" Then give them 3 different years to choose from. The person with the most correct answers wins the game and the bridal shower prize! Reward the other guests of the bridal shower game with party favors that show just how much fun the event was!
Peculiar Game A Bridal Shower is the perfect place to play this fun rhyming game. It is now time for all of you to look around and get ready to participate in a peculiar game. For this peculiar game you will need to make a copy of the rhyme below to read aloud to your guests. The rhyme contains the instructions for your guests to follow. Read it nice and slow so they can have time to check their outfit for the key items in the rhyme. When the rhyme is done, give them a moment to count up their score. Make sure that there is no cheating and no one is peeking. The guest with the highest score wins the Bridal Shower Prize. Make sure that everyone there gets a nice party favor or keepsake to take home so that they will all be able to remember this party and day festive occasion!
This is a rather peculiar game
It really does not have a name
It's simple to play as a game should be
You just do as you're told, you see
So now if you'll please give me your attention
We'll put an end to this suspension
In the end, whoever scores the most
Will receive a prize of which to boast
Now since you're all fashionable girls
Give yourself 5 if you have any pearls
You may add 3 if your toes peek out
And earrings will give you 2 more to shout
Score yourself 5 if you show any red
Add 6 more for a curl on your head
Now before you think you are going to win
Take away 2 for each safety pin
Give yourself 6 if your pants are tight
Add 1 for a scarf which is just about right
Add 5 more if your shoes are black
And take away 3 for a zipper in back
Now count all your buttons, for each you get 2
And take away 1 for each button that's blue
Give yourself 5 if your heels are high
And why not take 10 for the green in your eye
10 more points for a rose on your clothes
Take away 5 if you forgot to wear hose
If your husband you kissed today - add 9
If you didn't subtract 12 - you're subject to fine
This is the end...there isn't anymore
Who is the lucky lady with the highest score?
Hula Race Get in shape with the hula hoop race. Here's an easy bridal shower game that everyone can enjoy. All you need to do is to remember what it was like to be a kid. The hula race will bring back the child in you. You will need several hula hoops, one for each guest participating. Challenge the guests to a hula race to see who can hula the longest. The last person left with their hula hoop spinning wins the game. Think of a great prize for the winner! Perhaps they could get to keep the hula hoop It is a simple game and it can be a lot of fun especially when you provide party favors as gifts for all the participants! Who knew it would be so hard to do this at your age? Free Bridal Shower Games with printable games that can be instantly printed right from your printer. Are you having a buffet? Free
printable food label cards add a lovely touch to any display of
delicious chow at an engagement party or bridal shower.
A great gift for the soon to be bride at her bridal shower is a notebook of some sort that gives her words of wisdom. In the book, have each guest write down some words of wisdom. It is a great keepsake for the bride as she will look back on it and remember a great time. There will be funny, serious and good information for her to read.
Here is a wedding custom about kissing that comes from the Swedish folk so everyone gets a shot at kissing the bride and groom. When the bride or groom happen to leave the room during the reception, eager guests line up for a kiss. Sounds like a pretty loving party! |
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